Travel India Expertise

Travel India Expertise

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Ancient Wonders of World

Why were some  structures called the seven wonders of the Ancient world? What were these wonders ?

The ancient Greeks were in love to make the lists, and they made lists of the marvelous structures in their world to act as guides to tourists and travelers to other lands. But the list only include works located around the Mediterranean. The structures in their list came to be called 'The Seven wonders of the world'.
The list was limited to seven possibly because the number seven was considered special and magical by the ancient world.

These seven wonders were -

1 - The great pyramid at Giza
2    The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
3   The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
4   The statue of Zeus at Olympia
5   The Pharos Lighthouse near Alexandria
6  The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus
7  The Colossus of Rhodes

Did you know that not all the Seven Wonders existed at the same time ?

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