Travel India Expertise

Travel India Expertise

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Indus Valley Civilization

Indus Valley Civilization
Art by its nature is a visual commentary or a concrete manifestation of thought, which is abstract and invisible.

The field of art is wide consisting mainly three forms - architecture, sculpture and painting. The term architecture applies only to buildings.

Indus Valley Architecture 

The journey of I.A begins with Indus Valley Civilization (3rd millennium BC). The remains of Harappa and Mohenjodaro cities reveal a remarkable sense of town planning. The buildings made of burnt and unburnt bricks, often of two or more storeys, were arranged on grid pattern. were strictly utilitarian, without decorative motifs or plasters, and seem to have been built with skill and a sound knowledge of building principles. Pillars, corbelled arches, stair cases etc were used.

The most outstanding examples, of architecture of this phase are the great bath at Mohenjodaro and the citadels and granaries of two cities.

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